Contact 'You Chicy Thing'


We look forward to styling you…

Are you excited about the thought of no more wardrobe woes and closet confusion? Trust me, having an organised, curated closet really will make the difference to so many areas of your life. Not only will it take the overwhelm out of the everyday process of what to wear, but you will gain confidence which will ultimately have a knock on affect. One of the many reasons I started this business is exactly that! I discovered how much more ease I had once I had determined my personal style, decluttered my wardrobe and gained some much needed order.

If you would like to proceed, simply phone me for a chat. I will send you an information form so that you can take your time completing it. Trust me, there are not a zillion questions. This is simply for me to gain an understanding of where you are at right now and where you would like to be moving forward.

I will then ask you to create a mood board. This can be done by cutting out images from magazines and sticking them onto cardboard or Pinterest. Personally, I use Pinterest as it’s much simpler.

Contact me